Thursday, October 7, 2010


So last night, Im sitting at home and I just get this overwhleming craving for chocolate milk, happens from time to time, so I go to 7/11 for a run and while Im there I think, shit I havent had a good chip in a looooong time, like at least 2 weeks! So I go for the 'ol fav Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion. Im at home watching Hellcats, yes my life is sooo exciting aint it! Then I pull out this chip, and by golly, its JESUS!
Jesus Christ appeared to me in a Ruffles chip! Here is the proof. I've been informed by some friends that this looks like the Jesus Statue in Rio de Janeiro. So I think im being called to Brazil. Something in Brazil is calling me, maybe its Jesus, maybe its the surf, maybe its the techno music, whatever!

Im totally putting this on ebay, I hope I get at least $10, $5000 would be sweet too.

1 comment:

  1. Chan,

    I don't think that's Jesus. I think that's Igor of the Hilarious House of Frightenstein.

    Check out this video: at the 1:33 mark.

