Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brillant! ....NOT

The Vatican announced on International Women's Day, March 8th, that women should give thanks for the washing machine. Because the pope feels the washing machine has liberated women more so then the pill or working. Im not kidding, he actrually said this.
Hey Pope Banjo-Eyes!! Seems to me the pill and the washing machine has done more for women then the vatican ever has.
In the US, 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, and over 50% of those unplanned pregnancies end in abortion, Im sure the vatican has something to do with that.

How can this organization be so out of touch. I would be offended by these comments if I thought the Pope has any relevance to my life or the world im living in. Turd.

to read more click here

1 comment:

  1. The following comment is from someone that emailed it to me...

    The article continues:

    “In the 20th century, what contributed most to the emancipation of Western women?... The debate is still open. Some say it was the pill, others the liberalisation of abortion, or being able to work outside the home. Others go even further: the washing machine.”

    Well... the pope sure is putting his foot in it lately.

    There is no doubt that women have always worked very hard; I would agree that something that eased their burden would have contributed to their eventual liberation. For example if I had 10 children and had to do all of their laundry by hand down at the river, well I wouldn't have much time or energy to get down to the meeting hall on horseback to vote. However freeing up time and energy is not the only factor here, and the pope's comment seems oversimplified, and condescending.

    There is so much more to women's liberation than a simple invention or two. I think the true liberation of women came from, and comes from, the attitudes, thoughts, and actions of ordinary and extraordinary women and men. Doctors who dispensed pills in secret, women who fought for the same legal rights as men, and the men and women who continue to pass laws like that today.

    So thank you Schoolyard for opening up a dialogue about this; I think sometimes in the Western world we feel like we have already won the women's rights battle, only to find that these outdated opinions still exist.
