Monday, July 27, 2009

Green Lawns

With the looming dry weather and low river levels, undoubtly Fernie is going to see some water restrictions. For the last month as I have been walking my dog around "Little Italy" here in downtown Fernie, I cant help but chuckle and roll my eyes at the older generations from mine that are so obsessed with having a perfect lawn. Im sure those generations sneer and chuckle at my people for our habits and obessions. But this perfect lawn thing is so fucking rediculous. Its something that they grew up with that was a measure of a persons worth in society, and having that perfect lawn indicated to the rest of the town how well-to-do and perfect that household seemed. Well, that idea and symbolic gesture somehow was thrown out the window with generation x and y and z. In fact, our generations adore and revere weeds, natural settings and organic gardens. What will the future hold when, no offence, this older population dies off? What will lawns become?
I know mine is only green if it rains and only cut to apease my landlord (and I dont weed wack, cuz I like weeds growing up the walls).
Everynight I look around and see all these spinklers running, litres and litres of water spilling over sidewalks and running down the street as the lawn is saturated.
Good job! Good thing your lawn looks so great! Is it worth it???? realllllly?
There is this one neighbour of mine, this old polish guy. Hes such an angry old man that hes face is permanently beet red. Hes always yelling at people and dogs. I have seen him re-paint his garage drive way jet black every summer. The guy is obessesd with perfection and he just looks soo goddamn miserable. I wish I could slap some relaxed sense into him before he has a stroke. His sprinklers are always on, hes always out there rearranging them and perfecting his lawn. Ahh what a waste of time! Beside the lawn is parked a monster motorhome - with a "for sale" sign on it. Is he selling the motorhome that would bring some fun and adventure into his old life just so he can stay home and manage his home's image? How incredibly sad.
The green lawn obession needs to die. Besides the pesticide problems that harm our health and dwindling clean drinking water problem, we need to think long and hard about this dinosaur behaviour. Bring on the weeds, dandelions and brown grass. Fuck it, spend your time living your life.

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