Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Funny Story

So a group of 18 year old Calgary boys get a table at Gabs. They all try and order a beer, server denies them after ID'ing. They order food and eat it all up. One by one they leave Gabs. Until the server suddenly notices that the table of little boys has dined and dashed. Little Pricks. They phone RCR security, but no luck.
Next day, managar of Gabs is driving into Fernie from Hosmer, and there is a Range Rover in the ditch. Oh look who it is???!!! Manager pulls over and asks for them to pay te $160 bill NOW, cuz now she's got the license plate number. They collectively shit their pants and pull out $100 bills.

Fucking little rich kids ripin off a Fernie Business???? Nice Try ya lil shits. Karma works here in Fernie too.

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