Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Straight Talk on the "Quality of Life"

okay, so many of you reading of this wont know what Im even talking about, so let me give you the back story.

Recently, The City of Fernie hired a firm from the coast to conduct a "Quality of Life, Liveability + Sustainability" study. Yes another study. This study is to research through us locals why we like living in Fernie. To quote it:The City of Fernie along with Halcrow Consulting will present the Quality of Life Index and Liveability Reporting Initiative. A report that measures the vitality of our community and identifies significant trends in areas critical to our quality of life. This will be an important opportunity for community members and interested stakeholders to learn about and provide preliminary input on the proposed process for monitoring Fernie’s liveability.

The idea is that everyone in Fernie knows this is happening right now (ahhh nope) and contributes to this study. What do they do with the study after its done? Well who the fuck knows, but ideally it will help them plan where the town is going with keeping these quality of life things in mind. ahahahahahahhahahaahh ya right!! No Way Bullshit. This study is a waste of thousands of dollars.

Deep breaths.
I contributed my own personal sentiments to this study. My list included things like: I like that people are friendly, I love my friends, the nightclub scene is really good for a small town, you can walk everywhere, yada yada yada, but you know me, I just couldnt help myself, I JUST HAD to include my two cents cuz Im a shithead...
My SideNote:
I just want to note that I think having a quality of life here or really anywhere in the world requires money. This might not be the popular thing to mention, but I feel its the elephant in the room most of the time here in Fernie. Everyone in Fernie is unique, there are many different types of social sectors in Fernie - and I think they all need money for their quality of life. You want to mountain bike the trails and have weekends off to drink beer with friends? - You need money. You want to go camping and/hunting? - You need money. You want to garden all day in your hemp pants?- Well then you need money to make your steep morgage payment, so hopefully you have a husband with a good job bringing that in. You want your kids to ski race and see thier goals come to life?- Money. You want to have nice clothes and bar hop? - You need money. You want a Wildsight membership? - you need extra money. We want new fancy restaurants like "Picnic" to survive - we need more locals making reservations. You want to open a business, well you need money and people with money to support you. Money Money Money, its just the way it is. Your quality of life goes down when you lack money and jobs. We need more economic development here. We need professional jobs. When everyone has some money then we can all go have a good quality of life in what ever various reason we all want to stay here. It seems the never ending debate is the environment vs. development. Until the extreme environmentalists can wake up and understand that it IS possible to properly manage development/growth and the enviro then I cant see money really growing in Fernie, thrus a lack of quality of life.

To you can take this "study" and put it to something useful like papermache hats because not everyone is participating in this (I just randomly looked at Fernie.com, Ourfernie.com, the Free Press.ca and the City of Fernie's website and I cant find any real blatent info, and I just asked two random locals a 23 year old and a 29 year old and they never heard of it, the only thing I could find on it was a posting of the event online at OurFernie ahhhahahaha not even gonna go there, oh and I saw a poster with lots of writing on it posted on that goddamn eyesore the old movie store downtown) AND this is useless if we have no money in the valley to support everyones quality.



  1. HOly I didn't know either. I feel gypped.

  2. Brina, you can submit your comments and input on the quailty of life to councillor Mary Giuliano at mary.giuliano@fernie.ca , but you gotta do it fast, there is a cut off coming up...
