Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekly Rant

Open Letter All To Freegans:

You know what? Everyone really IS laughing at you. Go ahead there and sift through garbage and eat garbage and tell me you've "figured" it out, ohhh ya you are sooo clever beating the "man" by eating bagels from a dumpster and bragging you live on a dime a day, ooooooooo. You know what else? Fuck you. If you want to live in a society of no money then get the fuck off my sidewalks and roads and dont you dare enter my hospital. Im breakin my back working in this society paying taxes and generating something in my local and global ecomony and you just think you can come in and freeload with your ignorant comments, distorted views and stinky trash ass. Fuck you. Look the fuck around, take a good damn look at your beautiful country and the AMAZING opportunities you have in Canada, and by geez, how the fuck do you think all that comes together???? The facilities to educate yourself, heal yourself, have a baby safely, enjoy a movie, have a music festival, etc etc.... You dont think any of that costs anything? And those people dont deserve compensation so they can be apart of society and pay taxes for all the things we in turn use adn need, and have money for their families? fuck you. If you wanna live in the dump, go ahead, but you better fucking stay there. Get a clue.

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