Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Current State of Rock'n'Roll

You know what, I always really enjoy this dood's radio show, for all you rockers out there, here's a wealth of rock info and bullshit. Loves it! www.eddietrunk.com
Last time I tuned in on sat' radio, Eddie was talking and contemplating about the future of stadium rock concerts. He was looking around at the merch booths for ACDC and Aerosmith and the Stones and thinking, "fuck, they are selling almost the exact same shit as they did back in 70s, so like, when these bands actrully die off...what super bands are gonna replace em, like we talking SUPERBANDS, whos the next? ....Metallica?? Who else?? And who of these current super bands just arnt gettin' it done anymore, but they have such a super brand that they just keep touring and for why??? Do they realllllly need the money, how many islands and yachts do they need???"

So then I got thinking... if rock bands are something that some individuals identify themselves with, what will the future look like with the age of MySpace and YouTube and all the wealth of new music out there so easily accessible. The superbands became superbands because back in the day, all people had was radio, and they listened to basically what they had too as dictated to from the radio station and record companies. So these bands created armies of fans and distinctive generations. Can new bands really create armies? Well, I guess there is Justin Beiber's story. Will 30 years from now people rock up to a Bieber show and buy a vintage Bieber tee? I wonder, eh? Completely facinating. Cuz I bought a vintage Aerosmith tee, partly becuase I was identifing with the 1970s, I fucking love that time for music, and it was almost as if I wear that tee as an homage to that time in history as well as for the love of the band, you know what Im saying??? It not JUST about the music, it was the whole experience of Aerosmith in the 70s that Im stoked on.

Eddie's show is really interesting for me, maybe not for you, but I find this comtemplation and deep thought about the current state of rock n roll extremely relevant and riveting.


Ps. Ignore this dudes gay face. Clearly he has a face for radio.

PSS. METAL HAIR BAND "Skull Fist" TONIGHT AT BULLDOGS!!! Avec Burger and Beer Night!

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