Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Morning People Rule

I always knew ever since I was a small child that getting up early in the morning was a cruel sick joke. I onced worked a 12 hour shift at a TV station, getting up at 7am was always the hardest part of that ridiculously stressful job. I would get off at 7pm and completely come alive at that time. Im a true night owl, I go for a 10k run at 8pm, I deep clean my house at 11pm and read till 2am on any regular night. This article really picks me becuase, I always really envied morning people, I wish I had that gene. I have accepted my night hawkness, this article proves that im not just lazy okay. You know how many times Ive woken up and realized Ive missed the McDonalds breakfast!? TOO MANY, The world is against my kind!

Why morning people rule the world
Philip Delves Broughton
We are all morning or evening people. Scientists have established that our genes dictate around half of what they call our “chronotypes” — our natural preference for certain times of the day.

Evolution has produced a range of humans capable of being alert to danger at every hour of the day. Our experience confirms these findings. We all know people who love to be at work bright and early, with a cup of coffee to hand and decisions to make, and others who would rather stumble through the day until reaching a state of relaxed clarity around dusk, when their minds are purring.

The problem is that those with the genetic gift of “morning-ness” tend to be more highly rewarded. Morning-ness is perceived as a sign of activity and zest, whereas evening-ness implies laziness and loafing. How often did we have to see David Cameron on one of his early-morning runs to get the idea that here was a leader of potency and vigour? How different would it have been if he slunk out of bed to work, then exercised at around 8pm? Could a Prime Minister be elected today who worked like Churchill, reading, writing and thinking in bed before getting out of it at noon?

History is full of great bores praising the virtues of early rising, but few have made the case for letting the day drift by until you kick into gear around happy hour.

Yet the research continues to mount, arguing that evening people have qualities which should be nurtured. They tend to be more creative, intelligent, humorous and extroverted. They are the balance to morning people, who are said to be more optimistic, proactive and conscientious.

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